Dore F.,
Cecilie Litske Carstens Student or nonpermanent staff 445 300 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.003 Carstens C. L., Top J., Zhang Y., Dubois C.,
Sebastien Perrier Technical and administrative staff 448 371 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., El Haddad I., Bell D.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Photodegradation of naphthalene-derived particle oxidation products
Cecilie Litske Carstens Student or nonpermanent staff 445 300 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.003 Carstens C. L., Bell D., Dore F., Top J., Dubois C., Zhang Y.,
Sebastien Perrier Technical and administrative staff 448 371 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., El Haddad I.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Effects of Relative Humidity on Time-Resolved Molecular Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosols from the OH-Initiated Oxidation of Cresol in the Presence of NO x
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Pospisilova V., Frege C.,
Sebastien Perrier Technical and administrative staff 448 371 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Bansal P., Jorga S., Sturm P., Thornton J., Rohner U., Lopez-Hilfiker F.
Evaluation of a reduced-pressure chemical ion reactor utilizing adduct ionization for the detection of gaseous organic and inorganic species
Li D., Wang D., Caudillo L., Scholz W., Wang M., Tomaz S., Marie G., Surdu M., Eccli E., Gong X., Gonzalez-Carracedo L., Granzin M., Pfeifer J., Rorup B., Schulze B., Rantala P.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Hansel A., Curtius J., Kirkby J., Donahue N.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., El-Haddad I.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Ammonium CI-Orbitrap: a tool for characterizing the reactivity of oxygenated organic molecules
Dubois C.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
The High Pressure Inside Aerosol Particles Enhances Photochemical Reactions of Biomass Burning Compounds
ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 2024, 8(5), pp. 1062-1071
Fillion D.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Domine F., Couture R.
Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds to the Atmosphere from Photochemistry in Thermokarst Ponds in Subarctic Canada
Li D., Huang W., Wang D., Wang M., Thornton J., Caudillo L., Rorup B., Marten R., Scholz W., Finkenzeller H., Marie G., Baltensperger U., Bell D., Brasseur Z., Curtius J., Dada L., Duplissy J., Gong X., Hansel A., He X., Hofbauer V., Junninen H., Krechmer J., Kurten A., Lamkaddam H., Lehtipalo K., Lopez B., Ma Y., Mahfouz N., Manninen H., Mentler B.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Petaja T., Pfeifer J., Philippov M., Schervish M., Schobesberger S., Shen J., Surdu M., Tomaz S., Volkamer R., Wang X., Weber S., Welti A., Worsnop D., Wu Y., Yan C., Zauner-Wieczorek M., Kulmala M., Kirkby J., Donahue N.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., El-Haddad I., Bianchi F.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Nitrate Radicals Suppress Biogenic New Particle Formation from Monoterpene Oxidation
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2024, 58(3), pp. 1601-1614
Meder M., Perakyla O., Varelas J., Luo J., Cai R., Zhang Y., Kurten T.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Rissanen M., Geiger F., Thomson R., Ehn M.
Selective deuteration as a tool for resolving autoxidation mechanisms in alpha-pinene ozonolysis
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2023, 23(7), pp. 4373-4390
Zhang J., Shrivastava M., Zelenyuk A., Zaveri R., Surratt J.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Bell D., Glasius M.
Observationally Constrained Modeling of the Reactive Uptake of Isoprene-Derived Epoxydiols under Elevated Relative Humidity and of Seed Aerosol Conditions
ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 2023, 7(4), pp. 788-799
Lu Y., Ma Y., Huang D., Lou S., Jing S., Gao Y., Wang H., Zhang Y., Chen H., Chang Y., Yan N., Chen J.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Huang C.
Unambiguous identification of N-containing oxygenated organic moleculesusing a chemical-ionization Orbitrap (CI-Orbitrap) in an eastern Chinese megacity
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2023, 23(5), pp. 3233-3245
Surdu M., Lamkaddam H., Wang D., Bell D., Xiao M., Lee C., Li D., Caudillo L., Marie G., Scholz W., Wang M., Lopez B., Piedehierro A., Ataei F., Baalbaki R., Bertozzi B., Bogert P., Brasseur Z., Dada L., Duplissy J., Finkenzeller H., He X., Hohler K., Korhonen K., Krechmer J., Lehtipalo K., Mahfouz N., Manninen H., Marten R., Massabo D., Mauldin R., Petaja T., Pfeifer J., Philippov M., Rorup B., Simon M., Shen J., Umo N., Vogel F., Weber S., Zauner-Wieczorek M., Volkamer R., Saathoff H., Moehler O., Kirkby J., Worsnop D., Kulmala M., Stratmann F., Hansel A., Curtius J., Welti A.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Donahue N., Baltensperger U., El Haddad I.
Molecular Understanding of the Enhancement in Organic Aerosol Mass at High Relative Humidity
Cai R., Huang W., Meder M.,
Frederic Bourgain Technical and administrative staff 445 363 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P21 Bourgain F., Aizikov K.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Bianchi F., Ehn M.
Improving the Sensitivity of Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (Orbitrap) for Online Measurements of Atmospheric Vapors
Zhang Y., Li D., Ma Y., Dubois C., Wang X.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Chen H., Wang H., Jing S., Lu Y., Lou S., Yan C., Nie W., Chen J., Huang C.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Field Detection of Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules in Shanghai by Chemical Ionization-Orbitrap
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2022, 56(12), pp. 7608-7617
Wang X., Li D., Flaud P., Li H.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Villenave E., Dusanter S., Tomas A., Perraudin E.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Atmospheric Nitrous Acid Measurement in the French Landes Forest
Octaviani M., Shrivastava M., Zaveri R., Zelenyuk A., Zhang Y., Rasool Q., Bell D.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Glasius M., Surratt J.
Modeling the Size Distribution and Chemical Composition of Secondary Organic Aerosols during the Reactive Uptake of Isoprene-Derived Epoxydiols under Low-Humidity Condition
ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 2021, 5(11), pp. 3247-3257
Tomaz S., Wang D., Zabalegui N., Li D., Lamkaddam H., Bachmeier F., Vogel A., Eugenia Monge M.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Baltensperger U.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Rissanen M., Ehn M., El Haddad I.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Structures and reactivity of peroxy radicals and dimeric products revealed by online tandem mass spectrometry
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Sun J., Mcneill V., Ragon C.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Rudich Y., Nizkorodov S., Chen J., Caupin F., Hoffmann T.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.
High Pressure Inside Nanometer-Sized Particles Influences the Rate and Products of Chemical Reactions
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 55(12), pp. 7786-7793
Tapavicza E., Von Rudorff G., De Haan D., Contin M.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Von Lilienfeld O.
Elucidating an Atmospheric Brown Carbon Species-Toward Supplanting Chemical Intuition with Exhaustive Enumeration and Machine Learning
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 55(12), pp. 8447-8457
Raty M., Perakyla O.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Quelever L., Garmash O., Rissanen M., Ehn M.
Measurement report: Effects of NOx and seed aerosol on highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) from cyclohexene ozonolysis
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2021, 21(9), pp. 7357-7372
Cai R., Li Y., Clement Y., Li D., Dubois C.,
Marlene Fabre Personnel technique et administratif 445 445 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P205 Fabre M.,
Laurence Besson Personnel technique et administratif 445 349 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P53 Besson L.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Ehn M., Huang C., Yi P., Ma Y.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Orbitool: a software tool for analyzing online Orbitrap mass spectrometry data
He Q., Tomaz S., Li C., Zhu M., Meidan D.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Laskin A., Brown S.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Wang X., Rudich Y.
Optical Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced by Nitrate Radical Oxidation of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 55(5), pp. 2878-2889
Dubois C., Cholleton D., Gemayel R., Chen Y., Surratt J.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Rairoux P., Miffre A.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M.
Decrease in sulfate aerosol light backscattering by reactive uptake of isoprene epoxydiols
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2021, 23(10), pp. 5927-5935
Li H., Canagaratna M.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Rantala P., Zhang Y., Thomas S., Heikkinen L., Flaud P., Villenave E., Perraudin E., Worsnop D., Kulmala M., Ehn M., Bianchi F.
Atmospheric organic vapors in two European pine forests measured by a Vocus PTR-TOF: insights into monoterpene and sesquiterpene oxidation processes
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2021, 21(5), pp. 4123-4147
Wang X., Dalton E., Payne Z.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Raff J.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.
Superoxide and Nitrous Acid Production from Nitrate Photolysis Is Enhanced by Dissolved Aliphatic Organic Matter
Bianchi F., Junninen H., Bigi A., Sinclair V., Dada L., Hoyle C., Zha Q., Yao L., Ahonen L., Bonasoni P., Buenrostro Mazon S., Hutterli M., Laj P., Lehtipalo K., Kangasluoma J., Kerminen V., Kontkanen J., Marinoni A., Mirme S., Molteni U., Petaja T.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Rose C., Sellegri K., Yan C., Worsnop D., Kulmala M., Baltensperger U., Dommen J.
Biogenic particles formed in the Himalaya as an important source of free tropospheric aerosols
NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 2021, 14(1), pp. 4-+
Wang X., Hayeck N., Bruggemann M., Abis L.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Lu Y., Wang B., Chen J.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Wang L.
Chemical Characteristics and Brown Carbon Chromophores of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols Over the Yangtze River Channel: A Cruise Campaign
Yee L., Isaacman-Vanwertz G., Wernis R., Kreisberg N., Glasius M.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Surratt J., De Sa S., Martin S., Alexander M., Palm B., Hu W., Campuzano-Jost P., Day D., Jimenez J., Liu Y., Misztal P., Artaxo P., Viegas J., Manzi A., De Souza R., Edgerton E., Baumann K., Goldstein A.
Natural and Anthropogenically Influenced Isoprene Oxidation in Southeastern United States and Central Amazon
Environmental science & technology, 2020, 54, pp. 5980-5991
Wang X., Gemayel R., Hayeck N.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S.,
Nicolas Charbonnel Personnel technique et administratif 448 110 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14.007 Charbonnel N., Xu C., Chen H., Zhu C., Zhang L., Wang L., Nizkorodov S., Wang X., Wang Z., Wang T., Mellouki A.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Chen J.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.
Atmospheric Photosensitization: A New Pathway for Sulfate Formation
Environmental science & technology, 2020, 54, pp. 3114-3120
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Bruggemann M., Li D.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Herrmann H., Berndt T.
Capability of CI-Orbitrap for Gas-Phase Analysis in Atmospheric Chemistry: A Comparison with the Cl-APi-TOF Technique
Analytical chemistry, 2020, 92, pp. 8142-8150
Zhang Y., Perakyla O., Yan C., Heikkinen L., Aijala M., Daellenbach K., Zha Q.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Garmash O., Junninen H., Paatero P., Worsnop D., Ehn M.
Insights into atmospheric oxidation processes by performing factor analyses on subranges of mass spectra
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2020, 20, pp. 5945-5961
Wang Y.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Xie H., Heikkinen L., Schallhart S., Zha Q., Yan C., He X., Perakyla O., Ehn M.
Formation of highly oxygenated organic molecules from chlorine-atom-initiated oxidation of alpha-pinene
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2020, 20, pp. 5145-5155
Lee C.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Wang D., Tomaz S., Li D.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Slowik J.,
Frederic Bourgain Personnel technique et administratif 445 363 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P21 Bourgain F., Schmale J., Prevot A., Baltensperger U.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., El Haddad I.
Online Aerosol Chemical Characterization by Extractive Electrospray Ionization-Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (EESI-Orbitrap)
Environmental science & technology, 2020, 54, pp. 3871-3880
Eger P., Schuladen J., Sobanski N., Fischer H., Karu E., Williams J.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Zha Q., Ehn M., Quelever L., Schallhart S., Lelieveld J., Crowley J.
Pyruvic acid in the boreal forest: gas-phase mixing ratios and impact on radical chemistry
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2020, 20, pp. 3697-3711
Heikkinen L., Aijala M.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Luoma K., Dallenbach K., Aalto J., Aalto P., Aliaga D., Aurela M., Keskinen H., Makkonen U., Rantala P., Kulmala M., Petaja T., Worsnop D., Ehn M.
Long-term sub-micrometer aerosol chemical composition in the boreal forest: inter- and intra-annual variability
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2020, 20, pp. 3151-3180
Li H.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Rantala P., Heikkinen L., Daellenbach K., Krechmer J., Flaud P., Worsnop D., Kulmala M., Villenave E., Perraudin E., Ehn M., Bianchi F.
Terpenes and their oxidation products in the French Landes forest: insights from Vocus PTR-TOF measurements
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2020, 20, pp. 1941-1959
Perakyla O.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Heikkinen L., Quelever L., Roldin P., Ehn M.
Experimental investigation into the volatilities of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs)
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2020, 20, pp. 649-669
Zhang Y., Chen Y., Lei Z., Olson N.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Koss A., Zhang Z., Gold A., Jayne J., Worsnop D., Onasch T., Kroll J., Turpin B., Ault A., Surratt J.
Joint Impacts of Acidity and Viscosity on the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Isoprene Epoxydiols (IEPDX) in Phase Separated Particles
Acs earth and space chemistry, 2019, 3, pp. 2646-2658
Bianco A.,
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Baray J., Ribeiro M., Chaumerliac N.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Bridoux M., Deguillaume L.
Chemical Characterization of Cloudwater Collected at Puy de Dome by FT-ICR MS Reveals the Presence of SOA Components
Acs earth and space chemistry, 2019, 3, pp. 2076-2087
Bianchi F., Kurten T.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Mohr C., Rissanen M., Roldin P., Berndt T., Crounse J., Wennberg P., Mentel T., Wildt J., Junninen H., Jokinen T., Kulmala M., Worsnop D., Thornton J., Donahue N., Kjaergaard H., Ehn M.
Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules (HOM) from Gas-Phase Autoxidation Involving Peroxy Radicals: A Key Contributor to Atmospheric Aerosol
Chemical reviews, 2019, 119, pp. 3472-3509
De Haan D., Pajunoja A., Hawkins L., Welsh H., Jimenez N., De Loera A., Zauscher M., Andretta A., Joyce B., De Haan A.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Cui T., Surratt J., Cazaunau M., Formenti P., Gratien A., Pangui E., Doussin J.
Methylamine's Effects on Methylglyoxal-Containing Aerosol: Chemical, Physical, and Optical Changes
Acs earth and space chemistry, 2019, 3, pp. 1706-1716
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Chen Y., Zhang Y., Lei Z., Olson N., Boyer H., Narayan S., Yee L., Green H., Cui T., Zhang Z., Baumann K., Fort M., Edgerton E., Budisulistiorini S., Rose C., Ribeiro I., L E Oliveira R., Dos Santos E., Machado C., Szopa S., Zhao Y., Alves E., De Sa S., Hu W., Knipping E., Shaw S., Duvoisin Junior S., De Souza R., Palm B., Jimenez J., Glasius M., Goldstein A., Pye H., Gold A., Turpin B., Vizuete W., Martin S., Thornton J., Dutcher C., Ault A., Surratt J.
Increasing Isoprene Epoxydiol-to-Inorganic Sulfate Aerosol Ratio Results in Extensive Conversion of Inorganic Sulfate to Organosulfur Forms: Implications for Aerosol Physicochemical Properties
Environmental science & technology, 2019, 53, pp. 8682-8694
Matthieu Riva Chercheur 448 267 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Ehn M., Li D., Tomaz S.,
Frederic Bourgain Personnel technique et administratif 445 363 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P21 Bourgain F.,
Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S.,
Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C.
CI-Orbitrap: An Analytical Instrument To Study Atmospheric Reactive Organic Species
Analytical chemistry, 2019, 91, pp. 9419-9423
Zhang Y., Perakyla O., Yan C., Heikkinen L., Aijala M., Daellenbach K., Zha Q.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Garmash O., Junninen H., Paatero P., Worsnop D., Ehn M.
A novel approach for simple statistical analysis of high-resolution mass spectra
Atmospheric measurement techniques, 2019, 12, pp. 3761-3776
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Heikkinen L., Bell D., Perakyla O., Zha Q., Schallhart S., Rissanen M., Imre D., Petaja T., Thornton J., Zelenyuk A., Ehn M.
Chemical transformations in monoterpene-derived organic aerosol enhanced by inorganic composition
Npj climate and atmospheric science, 2019, 2, p.
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Rantala P., Krechmer J., Perakyla O., Zhang Y., Heikkinen L., Garmash O., Yan C., Kulmala M., Worsnop D., Ehn M.
Evaluating the performance of five different chemical ionization techniques for detecting gaseous oxygenated organic species
Atmospheric measurement techniques, 2019, 12, pp. 2403-2421
Budisulistiorini S.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Williams M., Miyakawa T., Chen J., Itoh M., Surratt J., Kuwata M.
Dominant contribution of oxygenated organic aerosol to haze particles from real-time observation in Singapore during an Indonesian wildfire event in 2015
Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2018, 18, pp. 16481-16498
Wang S.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Yan C., Ehn M., Wang L.
Primary Formation of Highly Oxidized Multifunctional Products in the OH-Initiated Oxidation of Isoprene: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study
Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52, pp. 12255-12264
De Haan D., Tapavicza E.,
Matthieu Riva Researcher 448 267 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.002 Riva M., Cui T., Surratt J., Smith A., Jordan M., Nilakantan S., Almodovar M., Stewart T., De Loera A., De Haan A., Cazaunau M., Gratien A., Pangui E., Doussin J.
Nitrogen-Containing, Light-Absorbing Oligomers Produced in Aerosol Particles Exposed to Methylglyoxal, Photolysis, and Cloud Cycling
Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52, pp. 4061-4071