Zengel D., Marchuk V., Kurt M., Maurer F., Salcedo A., Michel C., Loffreda D., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Stephane Loridant Chercheur 445 334 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Störmer H., Casapu M., Grunwaldt J.
Pd loading threshold for an efficient noble metal use in Pd/CeO2 methane oxidation catalysts
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 358, p. 124363
Molinet-Chinaglia C., Luis Cardenas Researcher 445 314 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P205 Cardenas L., Philippe Vernoux Researcher 431 587 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Laurent Piccolo Researcher 445 324 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P302 Piccolo L., Stephane Loridant Researcher 445 334 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S.
Tuning the metal loading of Pt/CeO2 catalysts for the water-gas shift reaction
Materials Today Catalysis, 2024, 4, p. 100046
Molinet-Chinaglia C., Vera E., Philippe Vernoux Researcher 431 587 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Laurent Piccolo Researcher 445 324 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P302 Piccolo L., Stephane Loridant Researcher 445 334 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S.
Influence of redox treatments on the low-temperature water gas shift reaction over Pt/CeO2 catalysts
Vera E., Trillaud V., Metaouaa J., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Burel L., Roiban I., Steyer P., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Comparative Study of Exsolved and Impregnated Ni Nanoparticles Supported on Nanoporous Perovskites for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation
Ghosh S., Haycock D., Mehra N., Bera S., Johnson H., Roiban I., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Thune P., Schneider W., Tsampas M.
Climbing the Hydrogen Evolution Volcano with a NiTi Shape Memory Alloy
Yu J., Gonzalez-Cobos J., Frederic Dappozze Personnel technique et administratif 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Dappozze F., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Caravaca A., Chantal Guillard Chercheur 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Guillard C.
Basic comprehension and recent trends in photoelectrocatalytic systems
Naddour C., Rieu M., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Viricelle J.
Protection of NOx Sensors from Sulfur Poisoning in Glass Furnaces by the Optimization of a "SO2 Trap"
SENSORS, 2023, 23(19), p.
Yu J., Gonzalez-Cobos J., Frederic Dappozze Personnel technique et administratif 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Dappozze F., Grimaldos-Osorio N., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Caravaca A., Chantal Guillard Chercheur 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Guillard C.
First PEM photoelectrolyser for the simultaneous selective glycerol valorization into value-added chemicals and hydrogen generation
Gonzalez-Cobos J., Mathieu Prevot Researcher 445 443 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P-322 Prevot M., Philippe Vernoux Researcher 431 587 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrolysis of lignin for production of chemicals and hydrogen Philippe Vernoux
Grimaldos-Osorio N., Sordello F., Passananti M., Gonzalez-Cobos J., Bonhomme A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Caravaca A.
From plastic-waste to H2: A first approach to the electrochemical reforming of dissolved Poly(methyl methacrylate) particles
Essyllt Louarn Personnel étudiant ou non permanent 448 066 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C-15.002 Louarn E., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Raffin G., Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Analysis of Unregulated VOCs Downstream a Three-Way Catalyst in a Simulated Gasoline Engine Exhaust under Non-Optimum Conditions
CATALYSTS, 2023, 13(3), p.
Yu J., Gonzalez-Cobos J., Frederic Dappozze Personnel technique et administratif 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Dappozze F., Lopez-Tenllado F., Hidalgo-Carrillo J., Marinas A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Caravaca A., Chantal Guillard Chercheur 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Guillard C.
WO3-based materials for photoelectrocatalytic glycerol upgrading into glyceraldehyde: Unravelling the synergistic photo- and electro-catalytic effects
Fahed S., Pointecouteau R., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S., Valerie Meille Chercheur 432 625 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C-15.011 Meille V., Bazin P., Toulemonde O., Demourgues A., Daturi M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Pr-rich cerium-zirconium-praseodymium mixed oxides for automotive exhaust emission control
APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 2022, 644, p. 118800
Fahed S., Pointecouteau R., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S., Bazin P., Demourgues A., Daturi M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Pd Supported on Pr-Rich Cerium-Zirconium-Praseodymium Mixed Oxides for Propane and CO Oxidation
CATALYSTS, 2022, 12(8), p.
Molino A., Hamandi M., Grosjean R., Frederic Dappozze Personnel technique et administratif 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Dappozze F., Lamaa L., Peruchon L., Brochier C., Dembele K., El Hajem M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Guilard C., Kaper H.
Coupling of photocatalysis and catalysis using an optical fiber textile for room temperature depollution
CHEMOSPHERE, 2022, 297, p.
Miller J., Schweitzer N., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Boufar A., Blanchard J., Krafft J., Methivier C., Sayag C., Ser F., Sicard M., Thomas C.
Successive Strong Electrostatic Adsorptions of [RhCl6](3-) on Tungstated-Ceria as an Original Approach to Preserve Rh Clusters From Sintering Under High-Temperature Reduction
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 2021, 125(45), pp. 25094-25111
Beliaeva K., Grimaldos-Osorio N., Ruiz-Lopez E., Burel L., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Caravaca A.
New insights into lignin electrolysis on nickel-based electrocatalysts: Electrochemical performances before and after oxygen evolution
Gilbert B., Cavoue T., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Burel L., Francisco Aires Chercheur 445 303 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1100 Aires F., Caravaca A., Rieu M., Viricelle J., Bruyere S., Horwat D., Migot S., Vilasi P., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Ag-based electrocatalysts for ethylene epoxidation
Yu J., Frederic Dappozze Personnel technique et administratif 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Dappozze F., Martin-Gomez J., Hidalgo-Carrillo J., Marinas A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Caravaca A., Chantal Guillard Chercheur 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Guillard C.
Glyceraldehyde production by photocatalytic oxidation of glycerol on WO3-based materials
Maurer F., Gaenzler A., Lott P., Betz B., Votsmeier M., Stephane Loridant Chercheur 445 334 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Murzin V., Bornmann B., Frahm R., Deutschmann O., Casapu M., Grunwaldt J.
Spatiotemporal Investigation of the Temperature and Structure of a Pt/CeO2 Oxidation Catalyst for CO and Hydrocarbon Oxidation during Pulse Activation
Hamidi F., Chaker H., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S., Cherif L., Saidi K., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Silver nanoparticles modified mesoporous titanosilicate materials for high oxidation of carbon monoxide
Yu J., Caravaca A., Chantal Guillard Chercheur 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Guillard C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Zhou L., Wang L., Lei J., Zhang J., Liu Y.
Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots Modified TiO2 Inverse Opal Photonic Crystal for Solving Indoor VOCs Pollution
CATALYSTS, 2021, 11(4), p.
Serve A., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Cartoixa B., Pajot K., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Impact of the support on the catalytic activity of Ag nanoparticles for soot combustion
CATALYSIS TODAY, 2021, 363, pp. 93-104
Sbai S., Li C., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Nicolas Charbonnel Personnel technique et administratif 448 110 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14.007 Charbonnel N., Sebastien Perrier Personnel technique et administratif 448 371 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C14-005 Perrier S., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Bentayeb F., Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S.
Atmospheric photochemistry and secondary aerosol formation of urban air in Lyon, France
Beliaeva K., Elsheref M., Walden D., Frederic Dappozze Personnel technique et administratif 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Dappozze F., Nieto-Marquez A., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S., Chantal Guillard Chercheur 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Guillard C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Steinmann S., Caravaca A.
Towards Understanding Lignin Electrolysis: Electro-Oxidation of a beta-O-4 Linkage Model on PtRu Electrodes
Grimaldos-Osorio N., Sordello F., Passananti M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Caravaca A.
From plastic-waste to H-2: Electrolysis of a Poly(methyl methacrylate) model molecule on polymer electrolyte membrane reactors
JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2020, 480, p. 228800
Caravaca A., Gonzalez-Cobos J., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
A Discussion on the Unique Features of Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis (EPOC): Are We in the Right Path Towards Commercial Implementation?
CATALYSTS, 2020, 10(11), p.
Zagoraios D., Athanasiadi A., Kalaitzidou I., Ntais S., Katsaounis A., Caravaca A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Vayenas C.
Electrochemical promotion of methane oxidation over nanodispersed Pd/Co3O4 catalysts
Catalysis today, 2020, 355, pp. 910-920
Ruiz-Lopez E., Caravaca A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Dorado F., De Lucas-Consuegra A.
Over-faradaic hydrogen production in methanol electrolysis cells
Chemical engineering journal, 2020, 396, p.
Thai Giang Truong ?., Rotonnelli B., Rieu M., Viricelle J., Kalaitzidou I., Marinha D., Burel L., Caravaca A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Kaper H.
Catalytic and Electrochemical Properties of Ag Infiltrated Perovskite Coatings for Propene Deep Oxidation
CATALYSTS, 2020, 10(7), p. 729
Ferre G., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Bosselet F., Burel L., Francisco Aires Chercheur 445 303 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1100 Aires F., Christophe Geantet Chercheur 445 336 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P207 Geantet C., Ntais S., Maurer F., Casapu M., Grunwaldt J., Thierry Epicier Chercheur émérite 445 300 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P-106 Epicier T., Stephane Loridant Chercheur 445 334 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Exploiting the dynamic properties of Pt on ceria for low-temperature CO oxidation
Catalysis science & technology, 2020, 10, pp. 3904-3917
Moreau C., Caravaca A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S.
A New Dynamic Approach for N2O Decomposition by Pre-reduced Rh/CeZrOx Catalysts
Chemcatchem, 2020, 12, pp. 3042-3049
Onrubia-Calvo J., Pereda-Ayo B., Caravaca A., De-La-Torre U., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Gonzalez-Velasco J.
Tailoring perovskite surface composition to design efficient lean NOx trap Pd-La(1-x)A(x)CoO(3)/Al2O3-type catalysts (with A = Sr or Ba)
Applied catalysis b-environmental, 2020, 266, p.
Hajar Y., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Caravaca A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Baranova E.
Isotopic Oxygen Exchange Study to Unravel Noble Metal Oxide/Support Interactions: The Case of RuO2 and IrO2 Nanoparticles Supported on CeO2, TiO2 and YSZ
Chemcatchem, 2020, 12 , pp. 2548-2555
Yentekakis I., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Emissions Control Catalysis
Catalysts, 2019, 9, p.
Neagu D., Kyriakou V., Roiban I., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Tang C., Caravaca A., Kousi K., Schreur-Piet I., Metcalfe I., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Van De Sanden M., Tsampas M.
In Situ Observation of Nanoparticle Exsolution from Perovskite Oxides: From Atomic Scale Mechanistic Insight to Nanostructure Tailoring
Acs nano, 2019, 13, pp. 12996-13005
Onrubia-Calvo J., Pereda-Ayo B., Bermejo-Lopez A., Caravaca A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Gonzalez-Velascoa J.
Pd-doped or Pd impregnated 30% La0.7Sr0.3CoO3/Al2O3 catalysts for NOx storage and reduction
Applied catalysis b-environmental, 2019, 259, p.
Grondin D., Breuil P., Viricelle J., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Modeling of the signal of a resistive soot sensor, influence of the soot nature and of the polarization voltage
Sensors and actuators b-chemical, 2019, 298, p.
Cavoue T., Caravaca A., Kalaitzidou I., Gaillard F., Rieu M., Viricelle J., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Ethylene epoxidation on Ag/YSZ electrochemical catalysts: Understanding of oxygen electrode reactions
Electrochemistry communications, 2019, 105, p.
Yazdi M., Lizarraga L., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Billard A., Briois P.
Catalytic Properties of Double Substituted Lanthanum Cobaltite Nanostructured Coatings Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
Catalysts, 2019, 9, p.
Aneggi E., Llorca J., Trovarelli A., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
In situ environmental HRTEM discloses low temperature carbon soot oxidation by ceria-zirconia at the nanoscale
Chemical communications, 2019, 55, pp. 3876-3878
Caravaca A., Eunice Garcia-Lorefice W., Sonia Gil Enseignant-chercheur 431 054 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.008 Gil S., De Lucas-Consuegra A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Towards a sustainable technology for H-2 production: Direct lignin electrolysis in a continuous-flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane reactor
Electrochemistry communications, 2019, 100, pp. 43-47
Frizon V., Bassat J., Pollet M., Durand E., Hernandez J., Pajot K., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Demourgues A.
Tuning the Pr Valence State To Design High Oxygen Mobility, Redox and Transport Properties in the CeO2-ZrO2-PrOx Phase Diagram
Journal of physical chemistry c, 2019, 123, pp. 6351-6362
Serve A., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Cartoixa B., Pajot K., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Synergy between Ag nanoparticles and yttria-stabilized zirconia for soot oxidation
Applied catalysis b-environmental, 2019, 242, pp. 140-149
Chen Y., Chen J., Qu W., Christian George Chercheur 448 190 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C13.001 George C., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Tang X.
Well-defined palladium-ceria interfacial electronic effects trigger CO oxidation
Chemical communications, 2018, 54, pp. 10140-10143
Hernandez W., Lopez-Gonzalez D., Ntais S., Zhao C., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Silver-modified manganite and ferrite perovskites for catalyzed gasoline particulate filters
Applied catalysis b-environmental, 2018, 226, pp. 202-212
R'Mili B., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Meme A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Leblanc M., Noel L., Raux S., D'Anna B.
Physico-Chemical Characterization of Fine and Ultrafine Particles Emitted during Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration of Euro5 Diesel Vehicles
Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52, pp. 3312-3319
Sapountzi F., Zhao C., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Retailleau-Mevel L., Niakolas D., Neofytidis C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Sulphur tolerance of Au-modified Ni/GDC during catalytic methane steam reforming
Catalysis science & technology, 2018, 8, pp. 1578-1588
Kalaitzidou I., Cavoue T., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Burel L., Gaillard F., Retailleau-Mevel L., Baranova E., Rieu M., Viricelle J., Horwat D., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrochemical promotion of propylene combustion on Ag catalytic coatings
Catalysis communications, 2018, 104, pp. 28-31
Caravaca A, Picart S, Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Arab-Chapelet B, Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Delahaye T
Development of Highly Nano-Dispersed NiO/GDC Catalysts from Ion Exchange Resin Templates
Catalysts, 2017, 7, p.
Hajar Y, Di Palma V, Kyriakou V, Verheijen M, Baranova E, Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Kessels W, Creatore M, Van De Sanden M, Tsampas M
Atomic layer deposition of highly dispersed Pt nanoparticles on a high surface area electrode backbone for electrochemical promotion of catalysis
Electrochemistry communications, 2017, 84, pp. 40-44
Gänzler Andreas, Casapu Maria, Vernoux Philippe, Loridant Stéphane, Cadete santos aires Francisco J., Epicier Thierry, Betz Benjamin, Hoyer Rüdiger, Grunwaldt Jan-Dierk,
Tuning the Structure of Platinum Particles on Ceria In Situ for Enhancing the Catalytic Performance of Exhaust Gas Catalysts
Angewandte chemie international edition, 2017, 56, pp. 13078 - 13082
Wang X., Westermann A., Xiang Shi Y. Sheng Cai, Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Rieu M., Viricelle J. -P., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrochemical Removal of NOx on Ceria-Based Catalyst-Electrodes
Catalysts, MDPI, 2017, 7 (2), p. 61
Grondin D., Westermann A., Breuil P., Viricelle J., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Influence of key parameters on the response of a resistive soot sensor
Sensors and actuators b-chemical, 2016, 236, pp. 1036-1043
Lopez-Gonzalez D., Couble J., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Tomassini M., Pascale Mascunan Personnel technique et administratif 445 311 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P411 Mascunan P., Diez-Ramirez J., Klotz M., Tardivat C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Effect of the reduction step on the catalytic performance of Pd–CeMO2 based catalysts (M 5 Gd, Zr) for propane combustion
Topics in Catalysis, 2016, 59, p. 1638–1650
Westermann A., Christophe Geantet Chercheur 445 336 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P207 Geantet C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Stephane Loridant Chercheur 445 334 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S.
Defects band enhanced by resonance Raman effect in praseodymium doped CeO2
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2016, 47, pp. 1276-1279
Azizi Y., Kambolis A., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A., Retailleau-Mevel L., Guiot B., Marchand O., Walter M., Desse M. L., Marchin L., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
NOx abatement in the exhaust of lean-burn natural gas engines over Ag-supported gamma-Al2O3 catalysts
Surface Science, 2016, p.
Sandra F., Ballestero A., Nguyen Van Lam, Tsampas M., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Balan C., Iwamoto Y., Demirci Umit B., Miele P., Bernard S.
Silicon carbide-based membranes with high soot particle filtration efficiency, durability and catalytic activity for CO/HC oxidation and soot combustion
Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 501, pp. 79-92
Grondin D., Breuil P., Viricelle J., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Development of a particulate matter sensor for diesel engine
EUROSENSORS 2015, 2015, 120, pp. 1237-1240
Romanytsia I., Viricelle J., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Pijolat C.
Application of advanced morphology Au–X (X = YSZ, ZrO2) composites as sensing electrode for solid state mixed-potential exhaust NOx sensor
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 207, pp. 391-397
Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Pajot K., Cartoixa B., Tardivat C., Klotz M., Retailleau-Mevel L., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Tsampas M., Lopez-Gonzalez D.,
Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conducting Catalysts for Catalysed Gasoline Particulate Filters
Topics in Catalysis, 2015, 58, pp. 1242-1255
Hernandez W. Y., Tsampas M., Zhao C., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Bosselet F., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
La/Sr-based perovskites as soot oxidation catalysts for Gasoline Particulate Filters
Catalysis Today, 2015, 258, pp. 525-534
Tsampas M., Sapountzi F., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Applications of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) in catalysis
Catalysis Science, 2015, p.
Serve A., Epicier T., Mimoun Aouine Personnel technique et administratif 445 372 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Aires F. J. Cadete Santos, Obeid E., Tsampas M., Pajot K., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Investigations of soot combustion on yttria-stabilized zirconia by environmental transmission electron microscopy (ETEM)
Applied Catalysis A : General, 2015, p.
Klotz M., Hernandez W. Y., Guizard C., Viazzi C., Hertz A., Charton F., Tardivat C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
High specific surface area YSZ powders from a supercritical CO2 process as catalytic supports for NOx storage-reduction reaction
Catalysis Science, 2015, 5, pp. 2125-2131
Sapountzi F., Tsampas M., Zhao C., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Retailleau L., Montinaro D., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Triode operation for enhancing the performance of H2S-poisoned SOFCs operated under CH4-H2O mixtures
Solid State Ionics, 2015, 277, pp. 65-71
Besson M., Pintar A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Catalysis Today, 2015, 241, p. 1
Hernandez W. Y., Hadjar A., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A., Andy P., Princivalle A., Klotz M., Marouf A., Guizard C., Tardivat C., Viazzi C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrochemically-assisted NOx storage-reduction catalysts
Catalysis Today, 2015, 241, pp. 143-150
Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Lizarraga L., Tsampas M. N., Sapountzi F. M., De Lucas-Consuegra A., Valverde J. -L., Souentie S., Vayenas C. G., Tsiplakides D., Balomenou S., Baranova E. A.
Ionically Conducting Ceramics as Active Catalyst Supports
Chem. Rev., 2013, 113, p. 8192–8260
Hernandez W. Y., Hadjar A., Klotz M., Leloup J., Princivalle A., Tardivat C., Guizard C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
NOx storage capacity of yttria-stabilized zirconia-based catalysts
Applied Catalysis B - Environmental, 2013, 130, pp. 54-64
Guo Y., Bessaa M., Aguado S., Steil M. C., Rembelski D., Rieu M., Viricelle J. -P., Benameur N., Guizard C., Tardivat C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., David Farrusseng Chercheur 445 365 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P109 Farrusseng D.
An all porous solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC): a bridging technology between dual and single chamber SOFCs
European Energy and Environmental Science, 2013, 6, pp. 2119-2123
Kambolis A., Lizarraga L., Tsampas N. M., Burel L., Rieu M., Viricelle J. -P., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrochemical promotion of catalysis with highly dispersed Pt nanoparticles
Electrochemistry Communications, 2012, 12, pp. 05-août
Gao J., Viricelle J. -P., Pijolat C., Breuil P., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A.
Improvement of the NOx selectivity for a planar YSZ sensor
Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical, 2011, 154, pp. 106-110
Holbrook B. P. M., Baylet A., Retailleau L., Boreave A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Figueras F., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A.
Sulphated TiO2 for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by n-decane
Catalysis Today, 2011, 176, pp. 48-55
Fortunato M. A., Aubert D., Capdeillayre C., Cecile Daniel Personnel technique et administratif 445 365 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P109 Daniel C., Hadjar A., Princivalle A., Guizard C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Dispersion measurement of platinum supported on Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia by pulse H-2 chemisorption
Applied Catalysis A - General, 2011, 403, pp. 18-24
Siebert E., Roux C., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Gaillard F., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Oxido-reduction properties of La0.7Sr0.3Co0.8Fe0.2O3-delta perovskite oxide catalyst
Solid State Ionics, 2011, 183, pp. 40-47
Baylet A., Capdeillayre C., Retailleau L., Valverde J. L., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A.
Parametric study of propene oxidation over Pt and Au catalysts supported on sulphated and unsulphated titania
Applied Catalysis B - Environmental, 2011, 102, pp. 180-189
Bénard S., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Nolven Guilhaume Chercheur 445 389 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P107 Guilhaume N., Fiaty K.
Comparing monolithic and membrane reactors in catalytic oxidation of propene and toluene in excess of oxygen
Catalysis Today, 2010, 156, pp. 301-305
Lizarraga L., Guth M., Billard A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrochemical catalysis for propane combustion using nanometric sputtered-deposited Pt films
Catalysis Today, 2010, 157, pp. 61-65
Gaudillere C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Claude Mirodatos Chercheur émérite 445 366 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P114 Mirodatos C., Caboche G., David Farrusseng Chercheur 445 365 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P109 Farrusseng D.
Screening of ceria-based catalysts for internal methane reforming in low temperature SOFC
Catalysis Today, 2010, 157, pp. 263-269
Lizarraga L., Souentie S., Mazri L., Billard A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Investigation of the CO oxidation rate oscillations using electrochemical promotion of catalysis over sputtered-Pt films interfaced with YSZ
Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12, pp. 1310-1313
Gaudillere C., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., David Farrusseng Chercheur 445 365 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P109 Farrusseng D.
Impact of reforming catalyst on the anodic polarisation resistance in single-chamber SOFC fed by methane
Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12, pp. 1322-1325
Karoum R., Roche V., Pirovano C., Vannier R. N., Billard A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
CGO-based electrochemical catalysts for low temperature combustion of propene
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2010, 40, pp. 1867-1873
Roche V., Mazri L., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Ta M. H., Retailleau-Mevel L., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Deloume J. P.
Zirconium-doped lanthanum manganites for catalytic deep oxidation of propene
Applied Catalysis A - General, 2010, 385, pp. 163-169
Souentie S., Lizarraga L., Papaioannou E. I., Vayenas C. G., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Permanent electrochemical promotion of C3H8 oxidation over thin sputtered Pt films
Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12, pp. 1133-1135
Roche V., Revel R., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrochemical promotion of YSZ monolith honeycomb for deep oxidation of methane
Catalysis Communications, 2010, 11, pp. 1076-1080
Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Guth, M., Li, Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Ionically Conducting Ceramics as Alternative Catalyst Supports
Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 2009, 12 (7), pp. E9-E11
Karoum R., Pirovano C., Vannier R. N., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Billard A.
Low temperature electrochemical catalysts using a BITAVOX electrolyte
Catalysis Today, 2009, 146, pp. 359-366
De Lucas-Consuegra A., Dorado F., Jimenez-Borja C., Caravaca A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Valverde J. L.
Use of potassium conductors in the electrochemical promotion of environmental catalysis
Catalysis Today, 2009, 146, pp. 293-298
Benard S., Ousmane M., Laurence Retailleau Personnel technique et administratif 431 590 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Retailleau L., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A.
Catalytic removal of propene and toluene in air over noble metal catalyst
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2009, 36, pp. 1935-1945.
Roche V., Hadjar A., Deloume J., Pagnier T., Revel R., Roux C., Siebert E., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Physicochemical Origins of Electrochemical Promotion of LSM/YSZ
Catalysis Today, 2009, 146, pp. 266-273
Gao J., Viricelle J. -P., Pijolat C., Breuil P., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Anne Giroir-Fendler Enseignant-chercheur 431 586 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.007 Giroir-Fendler A.
Improvement of the NOx selectivity for a planar YSZ
Procedia Chemistry, 2009, 1, pp. 589-592
Rousseau S., Stephane Loridant Chercheur 445 334 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S., Delichere P., Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Deloume J. P., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
La(1-x)SrxCo1-yFeyO3 perovskites prepared by sol-gel method: Characterization and relationships with catalytic properties for total oxidation of toluene
Applied Catalysis B - Environmental, 2009, 88, pp. 438-447
Antoinette Boreave Personnel technique et administratif 431 147 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Tan H., Roche V., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Deloume J. P.
Oxygen mobility in lanthanum nickelate catalysts for deep oxidation of propane
Solid State Ionics, 2008, 179, pp. 1071-1075
Lintanf A., Djurado E., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Pt/YSZ electrochemical catalysts prepared by electrostatic spray deposition for selective catalytic reduction of NO by C3H6
Solid State Ionics, 2008, 178, pp. 1998-2008
Roche V., Siebert E., Steil M., Deloume J., Roux C., Pagnier T., Revel R., Philippe Vernoux Chercheur 431 587 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Electrochemical promotion of propane deep oxidation on doped lanthanum manganites
Ionics, 2008, 14, pp. 235-241