Yige Yan Student or nonpermanent staff 445 300 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P-225 Yan Y.,
Franck Morfin Technical and administrative staff 445 331 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P406 Morfin F., Xiao B., Guesmi H.,
Mimoun Aouine Technical and administrative staff 445 372 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Prévot M., Morisset S., Célérier S.,
Laurent Piccolo Researcher 445 324 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P302 Piccolo L.
Mo2Ti2C3TX MXene performance in catalytic CO2 hydrogenation and its promotion with single Pt atoms
Materials Today Catalysis, 2024, 7, p. 100069
Shashank Mishra University researcher 445 360 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P402 Mishra S., Jeanneau E., Gahlot S., Raydan N., Burel L.,
Thibaut Cornier Technical and administrative staff 445 335 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1414 Cornier T., Bonhomme A., Bargiela P.
Single Source Precursor Path to 2D Materials: A Case Study of Solution-Processed Molybdenum-Rich MoSe2-x Ultrathin Nanosheets
Zengel D., Marchuk V., Kurt M., Maurer F., Salcedo A., Michel C., Loffreda D.,
Mimoun Aouine Technical and administrative staff 445 372 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M.,
Stephane Loridant Researcher 445 334 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P311 Loridant S.,
Philippe Vernoux Researcher 431 587 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P., Störmer H., Casapu M., Grunwaldt J.
Pd loading threshold for an efficient noble metal use in Pd/CeO2 methane oxidation catalysts
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 358, p. 124363
Valente J., Armedariz-Herrera H., Quintana-Solorzano R.,
Mimoun Aouine Technical and administrative staff 445 372 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M., Malchere A., Roiban L., Millet J. M. M.
Study of super-efficient defective MoVSbO catalysts used for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation by HAADF-STEM and of their thermal evolution by environmental electron microscopy and tomography
Vera E., Trillaud V., Metaouaa J.,
Mimoun Aouine Technical and administrative staff 445 372 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P106 Aouine M.,
Antoinette Boreave Technical and administrative staff 431 147 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.006 Boreave A., Burel L., Roiban I., Steyer P.,
Philippe Vernoux Researcher 431 587 (Switchboard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) C15.009 Vernoux P.
Comparative Study of Exsolved and Impregnated Ni Nanoparticles Supported on Nanoporous Perovskites for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation