ICC 2024: time to take stock
It was a great success for this 18th ICC (International Congress on Catalysis) in which our laboratory was heavily involved, whether as part of the organising team, with its many volunteers, for the ‘Roots and...
It was a great success for this 18th ICC (International Congress on Catalysis) in which our laboratory was heavily involved, whether as part of the organising team, with its many volunteers, for the ‘Roots and...
Thanks to the communications team at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon1 for its report on the EASVOLEE European research project.Matthieu Martin and Eric le Roux highlighted the work of the scientists involved in this project,...
The French catalysis community is honored to host the 18th International Congress on Catalysis, which will be held in Lyon on July 14-19, 2024. The 1st world congress on catalysis, with more than 2,000 participants...
Congratulations to all those elected to the various SCF bodies. Below are the results that will be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting, scheduled for Thursday 26 June 2024.Mathieu Prevot is elected to the...
Should researchers in chemistry, history, sociology, economics, etc. join forces to find solutions to the ecological and energy challenges?Scientists from the CNRS and a number of universities have come together in a novel, interdisciplinary approach....
The CNRS external competition recruitment campaign has started. A position of assistant engineer in BAP B Materials Sciences is open in our laboratory in the IRCATECH characterisation platform. This position will strengthen our DRX and...
The laboratory’s scientific day was held on Thursday 6 June 2024 in the amphitheatre at the University of Lyon.We would like to extend our warmest thanks to our guest speakers Damien LAAGE (CNRS Research Director...
Congratulations to our students for winning 4 prizes at the GECAT 2024 Congress, which took place from 14 to 17 May in Hendaye:
The next Rhône-Alpes Section Day will be held on 4 June 2024 at the Grenoble Alpes University at the “Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation“ (MaCI). The programme: The aim of this day is...
Air pollution and the impact of transport-related emissions remain major concerns for health and the environment.To gain a better understanding of the phenomena that occur in the atmosphere, the partners in the EASVOLEE project will...
The Plurielles exhibition “Les femmes font Villeurbanne” highlights the place of women in the city until 30 September 2024. Through various portraits of women by artist Céleste Gangolphe, the exhibition invites visitors to reflect on...
Watch the first moments of the launch of the pollutant measurement campaigns in real traffic conditions (ISC*, and RDE** cycle) in the video below.These campaigns are part of the EASVOLEE European project, bringing together 8...
Once upon a time, there was the story of Pauline Bredy and her grandfather Gérard Bredy, both doctoral students at the laboratory, 57 years apart!Pauline tells us about this wonderful adventure in an interview: Your...
A special issue of Applied Catalysis A is dedicated to our colleague Jean-Marc Millet Jean-Marc joined the Institute in 1987 and has devoted over 35 years to the field of materials science and catalysis. He...
The Ircelyon and LMI laboratories are co-organising an open-access conference to bring together French and European researchers working on MOFS and other porous materials.The conference will take place on 10 and 11 June 2024 in...
The CNRS opens a “Chaire de Professeur Junior” on the subject “Materials and processes for the capture and transformation of small molecules” (M/F). Given climate change, the capture and valorization of small molecules and the...
The Molecular-Level Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols (MUOAA 2024) workshop and school will gather scientists involved in studying atmospherically relevant aerosols at a fundamental level in the laboratory, in the field and via advanced modeling techniques...
À la une / Research facilities
by charge.communication · Published 5 February 2024 · Last modified 1 February 2024
IRCELYON and its characterisation platform IRCATECH are part of the project OPERANDO/PROTOTYPAGE of the LUMA exploratory PEPR launched in 2023. Our platform provides high-performance operando or, failing that, in-situ analysis tools. The project addresses three...
The CNRS and many other players in research and innovation will be present at the Yggdrasil Festival of Imaginary Worlds.On 3 and 4 February 2024, come and talk to scientists about projects for the future,...
CATREN / Research facilities / Reward
by charge.communication · Published 8 January 2024 · Last modified 11 January 2024
The CNRS 2023 Lyon Talents ceremony took place on Tuesday December 19.You can relive the ceremony thanks to the replay available online on the CNRS YouTube channel, and every 2 weeks find videos of 2...
The whole laboratory wishes you all the best for 2024. The year 2023 was a rich one: recruitment, the launch of a number of projects, particularly at European level, remarkable and innovative results, scientific events,...
Trapping carbon dioxide and then converting it to methane enables reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and recycle CO2 into a sustainable fuel, provided renewable H2 is employed. Microwave-based reactors provide an efficient means...
The next GECat congress will take place in Hendaye (Pays Basque) from 14 to 17 May 2024. Please note that the deadline for submissions is Friday 22 December 2023. Find out more about the scientific programme for...
CNRS Chimie highlights a ground-breaking experiment carried out under operando conditions using an environmental transmission electron microscope. This study, published in the journal Nature Communications, enables the evolution of the microstructure of fuel cell components...
L’institut de Chimie de Lyon (ICL) is organising a science day on 9 November 2023. Find out more about the programme here. Registration is free but compulsory and must be completed by 25 October at...
The 18th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC) will be held in Lyon from 14 to 19 July 2024.It will be chaired by David Farrusseng (CNRS – IRCELYON) and Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou (IFPEN).Submit your presentations before 31...
Adrien Gandolfo join the CARE team of our laboratory as “maître de conférence” in environmental chemistry, specialising in multiphase chemistry and the study of soil-ground-atmosphere interactions.Adrien combines laboratory experiments and field measurements to carry out...
The SCF-Rhône youth network is organising a conference on research careers on 4 October 2023 from 4pm to 6pm at CPE Lyon (DOUA campus).Find all the information you need on the flyer below: Registration: https://cutt.ly/RJSCFRA
Congratulations to Buqin XU, a post-doctoral researcher in the C’Durable team, who has completed the Tor des Géants, TOR330, an endurance trail race in the Valle d’Aosta, covering a distance of 330 km with 24,000...
by charge.communication · Published 11 September 2023 · Last modified 14 September 2023
Developing a system capable of capturing, storing and releasing the heat emitted by internal combustion engines, without emitting carbon?This is now a reality, thanks to the collaborative efforts of several research laboratories working towards a...
A rare metal more precious than gold, palladium is a cornerstone of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.As scientists look for alternatives, a promising avenue is emerging for considerably reducing its use.Find out more from Valérie...
Making the most of lignocellulosic biomass is one of the key areas for research into greener chemistry for the future.What are the advances and difficulties involved in this research?Find out more from our colleague Franck...
The kick-off meeting of the European research project UnLOHCked (2023-2026) took place on July 17 and 18, 2023 in Bilbao.This project aims to develop an innovative CO2-free technology to convert LOHC into hydrogen to generate...
Congratulations to Hugo Dias, C’Durable team, who received the award for the best presentation at the SCF2023 congress in Nantes, for his presentation “Structure-reactivity link of imidazole derivatives as catalysts for cycloaddition of CO2 to...
Yige Yan Personnel étudiant ou non permanent 445 300 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P-225 Yan Y., Frederic Dappozze Personnel technique et administratif 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Dappozze F., Khrouz L., Lopez-Tenllado F., Abdou C., Prevost C., Marinas A., Parola S., Chantal Guillard Chercheur 445 316 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1211 Guillard C.
Hernandez-Manas A., Martinez-Martin A., Madignier J., Fongarland P., Bertaud F., Vilcocq L., Laurent Djakovitch Chercheur 445 381 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P1403 Djakovitch L.
Zuniega J., Grabulos J., Lebrun M., Thibaud Aumond Personnel étudiant ou non permanent 445 300 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P-208 Aumond T., Cecile Daniel Personnel technique et administratif 445 365 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P109 Daniel C., David Farrusseng Chercheur 445 365 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P109 Farrusseng D., Brat P.
Coumes C., Farcy O., Danis H., Champenois J., Antonucci P., Adel Mesbah Chercheur 445 489 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P-1308 Mesbah A., Lambertin D.
Boulos J., Goc F., Noemie Perret Chercheur 445 446 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P211 Perret N., Franck Rataboul Chercheur 445 338 (Standard + 33 [0] 472 445 300) P210 Rataboul F., Dhainaut J., Royer S.
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, 2024, 7(14), pp. 16086-16096
PhD thesis defense
Yan Yilong ~ Propriétés d'hydrogénation catalytique de MXènes promus par des atomes isolés de métaux
Read morePhD thesis defense
Amphithéâtre de la Délégation Régionale du CNRS
2 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69100 Villeurbanne
Yan Yilong