
European EASVOLEE project: find out more

Air pollution and the impact of transport-related emissions remain major concerns for health and the environment.To gain a better understanding of the phenomena that occur in the atmosphere, the partners in the EASVOLEE project will...

Chaire de Professeur Junior offer

The CNRS opens a “Chaire de Professeur Junior” on the subject “Materials and processes for the capture and transformation of small molecules” (M/F). Given climate change, the capture and valorization of small molecules and the...

MUOAA 2024

The Molecular-Level Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols (MUOAA 2024) workshop and school will gather scientists involved in studying atmospherically relevant aerosols at a fundamental level in the laboratory, in the field and via advanced modeling techniques...

Best wishes for 2024!

The whole laboratory wishes you all the best for 2024. The year 2023 was a rich one: recruitment, the launch of a number of projects, particularly at European level, remarkable and innovative results, scientific events,...

Converting CO2 using microwaves!

Trapping carbon dioxide and then converting it to methane enables reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and recycle CO2 into a sustainable fuel, provided renewable H2 is employed. Microwave-based reactors provide an efficient means...

GECat 2024 Congress

The next GECat congress will take place in Hendaye (Pays Basque) from 14 to 17 May 2024. Please note that the deadline for submissions is Friday 22 December 2023. Find out more about the scientific programme for...

ICL Scientific Day

L’institut de Chimie de Lyon (ICL) is organising a science day on 9 November 2023. Find out more about the programme here. Registration is free but compulsory and must be completed by 25 October at...

Adrien Gandolfo, new recruit

Adrien Gandolfo join the CARE team of our laboratory as “maître de conférence” in environmental chemistry, specialising in multiphase chemistry and the study of soil-ground-atmosphere interactions.Adrien combines laboratory experiments and field measurements to carry out...

A sporting feat!

Congratulations to Buqin XU, a post-doctoral researcher in the C’Durable team, who has completed the Tor des Géants, TOR330, an endurance trail race in the Valle d’Aosta, covering a distance of 330 km with 24,000...

Start of the European project UnLOHCked!

The kick-off meeting of the European research project UnLOHCked (2023-2026) took place on July 17 and 18, 2023 in Bilbao.This project aims to develop an innovative CO2-free technology to convert LOHC into hydrogen to generate...