Fête de la Science 2024
This year’s Fête de la Science will take place from 4 to 14 October 2024 under the theme ‘Ocean of Knowledge’. There’s a packed programme of events in the Lyon and Rhône metropolitan areas. Our...
C'DURABLE / CARE / Scientific event
by charge.communication · Published 24 September 2024 · Last modified 23 September 2024
This year’s Fête de la Science will take place from 4 to 14 October 2024 under the theme ‘Ocean of Knowledge’. There’s a packed programme of events in the Lyon and Rhône metropolitan areas. Our...
Thanks to the communications team at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon1 for its report on the EASVOLEE European research project.Matthieu Martin and Eric le Roux highlighted the work of the scientists involved in this project,...
Congratulations to our students for winning 4 prizes at the GECAT 2024 Congress, which took place from 14 to 17 May in Hendaye:
Air pollution and the impact of transport-related emissions remain major concerns for health and the environment.To gain a better understanding of the phenomena that occur in the atmosphere, the partners in the EASVOLEE project will...
Watch the first moments of the launch of the pollutant measurement campaigns in real traffic conditions (ISC*, and RDE** cycle) in the video below.These campaigns are part of the EASVOLEE European project, bringing together 8...
The Molecular-Level Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols (MUOAA 2024) workshop and school will gather scientists involved in studying atmospherically relevant aerosols at a fundamental level in the laboratory, in the field and via advanced modeling techniques...
Adrien Gandolfo join the CARE team of our laboratory as “maître de conférence” in environmental chemistry, specialising in multiphase chemistry and the study of soil-ground-atmosphere interactions.Adrien combines laboratory experiments and field measurements to carry out...
A rare metal more precious than gold, palladium is a cornerstone of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.As scientists look for alternatives, a promising avenue is emerging for considerably reducing its use.Find out more from Valérie...
The European EASVOLEE project is recruiting doctoral and post-doctoral students!Find the offers in our section Intership/Jobs offersTo follow the project 👉 http://www.easvolee.eu and https://www.linkedin.com/company/easvolee-project/
by charge.communication · Published 22 February 2023 · Last modified 23 February 2023
The Easvolee project (for «Effects on Air quality of Semi-VOLatile Engine Emissions»), supported by the Horizon Europe program of the European Union, brings together European experts in experimental measurement and modeling in order to quantify,...
Producing hydrogen without fossil fuels?This is the idea of the European research project ELOBIO (2023-2026), coordinated by Ircelyon, which aims to produce carbon-free hydrogen by electrolysis of biomass. This project, which benefits from a budget...
The transversal Energy division of the “Société Chimique de France” (SCF) awarded its thesis prize to Nicolas Grimaldos Osorio, who graduated in 2022 from the University of Lyon in joint supervision with the University of...
The European project ELOBIO (Electrolysis of Biomass, visit the website), coordinated by IRCELYON, is the 100th EIC Pathfinder grant! The long-term vision of the ELOBIO project (3,998 M€ over 4 years) is the large-scale production of green...
Congratulations to Christian George (CARE team) for obtaining an ERC “advanced” grant 2021! Aerosols and clouds are key components of the atmospheric system. These small particles suspended in the air, with diameters from a few...
Find below a video on the COVID-Air clinical study which evaluates a method to detect Covid-19 by characterizing the molecules present in exhaled air. This video was produced within the framework of European regional development...
Do you want to know more about fine particles?Find Christian George’s conference organized by the Fondation Rovaltain on January 26, 2022.
Congratulations to Matthieu RIVA (CARE team) for this award !The James J. Morgan Environmental Science & Technology Early Career Award, named after the first Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Science & Technology, recognizes those early career researchers...
On the occasion of the #OneOceanScience event (re) discover the Oceans dossier of Pop’Sciences mag to which Christian George (CARE team) contributed last year: The #OneOceanScience campaign is organized by IFREMER, under the supervision of...
A Lyon consortium is working on the validation of a new method to detect COVID-19 through the characterization of molecules present in exhaled air. As simple and fast as a breathalyzer, this methodology is based...
The chemical structure of the molecules giving rise to ultrafine particles finally unveiled by an Ircelyon team. Through the use of advanced mass spectrometry technique, Tomaz et al. have for the first time identified in...
Despite the context, the “Fête de la Science” once again enabled the public to come and meet scientists.The various events offered by the CNRS were a resounding success on Saturday October 3, 2020, and in...
Nicolas Grimaldos-Osorio, phD student in the CARE team of the laboratory, working on the electrolysis of polymers for the production of hydrogen. The Lyon Urban School, for which he won a thesis grant, asked him...
by charge.communication · Published 22 September 2020 · Last modified 2 November 2020
The laboratory is participating in the “Fête de la Science” 2020 with an animation on the theme “hydrogen: the fuel of the future”.The whole program is online and registrations are open on: https://www.rhone-auvergne.cnrs.fr/fr/evenement/inventons-le-futur
It is a great success for this project led by a team from Ircelyon, co-financed by the European Union within the framework of European regional development funds (FEDER).After being tested at the Croix Rousse hospital...
A team from Ircelyon and ISA associated with Chinese and Finnish teams have developed an open source software tool called Orbitool. Equipped with a graphical user interface (GUI), this software is specifically developed to facilitate...
This idea from the CARE team resulted in collaboration with CIRI, ISA and doctors from the infectious disease and resuscitation departments of the Croix-Rousse hospital.A simple diagnostic method for COVID-19 has therefore been tested since...
Response from our colleague Philippe Vernoux from the CARE team in the program “Dis pourquoi ?” from RCF Radio:https://rcf.fr/actualite/social/quel-est-l-impact-du-confinement-sur-la-qualite-de-l-air
Christian George (CARE team) publishes a column in the newspaper Le Monde on the theme of air pollution. The opportunity to show the complexity of air chemistry, the limits of the regulatory measures implemented and...
On s’adapte est un appel à projet de scenarios de court-métrages de fiction pour des futurs “souhaitables et envisageables”. Les court-métrages produits seront diffusés sur CANAL+ en 2021.Dans ce cadre un webinar avec un chercheur...
These key results to which scientists from the IRCELYON laboratory have contributed (CARE team), are the subject of a publication by the INC (CNRS Institute for Chemistry) in its letter “En direct des labos” intended...
The whole laboratory wishes you all the best for 2025!
The 5th Franco-Chinese Conference on Green Chemistry (FC2GChem 2024) took place in Wuhan and Shanghai in November. Nolwenn Daridon (CATREN team) was awarded the embassy prize for her thesis work. Congratulations to Nolwenn on her...
We will have the honour of welcoming to IRCELYON on November 21th, 2024, Fabio H. Ribeiro, distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University. As the Ambassador in Chemical Sciences in France he will begin a...