
Adrien Gandolfo, new recruit

Adrien Gandolfo join the CARE team of our laboratory as “maître de conférence” in environmental chemistry, specialising in multiphase chemistry and the study of soil-ground-atmosphere interactions.Adrien combines laboratory experiments and field measurements to carry out...

Nuno Rocha Batalha, new CNRS recruit

Nuno Rocha Batalha join the “Ingénierie, du matériau au réacteur” (ING) team of our laboratory as “Chargé de Recherche”. Nuno had previously completed a post-doctorate at Ircelyon in the “Catalyse Hétérogène pour la Transition Énergétique”...

A new life for our machine tools

Do you know reuse?In this spirit of non-waste and respect for the environment, our mechanical workshop donated its old machine tools to make way for its machining center and CNC lathe. These machine tools therefore...

IRCELYON : 60 years

In 2019, IRCELYON celebrates its 60 years of existence and research in catalysis. For the occasion, a scientific day was organized on July 4, 2019 in Lyon:IRCELYON 2019 – Past, Present and Future. innovative Catalysis...