“Perovskites or not perovskites”
Scientists from the Institut des matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel (CNRS/Nantes Université),in collaboration with chemists from our laboratory (CNRS/Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University) have joined forces to develop a very advanced Machine Learning tool that makes it possible to instantly determine whether a new compound will be of the perovskite type or not. These results appeared in the journal Advanced Materials.
More info in the article of the INC of CNRS dedicated to this work: https://www.inc.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/perovskites-or-not-perovskites-le-role-de-lia -to-identify-new-compounds
Perovskite or Not Perovskite? A Deep-Learning Approach to Automatically Identify New Hybrid Perovskites from X-ray Diffraction Patterns
Florian Massuyeau, Thibault Broux, Florent Coulet, Aude Demessence, Adel Mesbah et Romain Gautier, Advanced Materials, 13 août 2022.