Phase Change Coordination Polymers as Sustainable Memories
Gold thiolate phase change coordination polymers are a sustainable alternative to the inorganic chalcogenides for Phase Change Memories. Indeed, they exhibit reversible solid-state amorphous-to-crystalline transitions under mild conditions of temperature and pressure and display an ON/OFF switch of the luminescence as an efficient optical SET/RESET language. In addition, their structural flexibility allows a molecular precision of the phase change.
More info on the CNRS INC website which devotes an article to them:
O. Veselska, S. Vaidya, C. Das, N. Guillou, P. Bordet, A. Fateeva, F. Toche, R. Chiriac, G. Ledoux, S. Wuttke, S. Horike & A. Demessence
Cyclic solid-state multiple phase changes with tuned photoemission in a gold thiolate coordination polymerAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022